We are a Design community for better interactions & more human connections

Connect with +3700 User Experience Professionals

Find online and in-person events featuring guest speakers, workshops, or networking opportunities.
Stay connected with fellow members, ask questions, share resources, and engage in meaningful discussions.

Calgary UX is the perfect place to learn, network, and grow your skills.

Our Mission

Build a diverse design community across all disciplines and industries.

Our Vision

Inspire meaningful interactions and more human connections.

Our Principles

  • Build trust & be kind
  • Create creative spaces
  • Active collaboration
Calgary UX event at Platform Calgary

Discover what this UX community has to offer and how you can be part of it


Fosters connections and collaboration among professionals, leading to a richer and more diverse network.

Learning experiences

Share knowledge, refine skills, and foster innovation in user-centric design practices.

Diversity & Inclusion

Valuable insights, best practices, and support for creating inclusive user experiences and environmenta.


Provide and receive guidance, constructive feedback, and real-world insights.

Creative Projects

Build a platform for innovation and push the boundaries of user experience design.

Peer support

Help each other tackle design challenges, ultimately elevating everyone’s skills.

Active Projects & Collaborations

We fostering an environment that encourages experimentation, iteration, and collaboration, so we can unlock the full potential of UX design.